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Ranking and Rating All Upcoming ICO, IEO, and IDO Token Sales

NAMEIndustryStageStart/End DateToken For SalePrice

The global crypto market is ever-changing and expanding. Hundreds of new tokens surface every single day promising to be the ‘next big thing’. But is there some way to know exactly which one of the ICO, IEO, and IDO tokens has the potential to be profitable in the future? Yes, the Coin Launch Space Database makes sure that you get access to a list of all upcoming ICO, IDO, and IEO tokens, ranked and rated as per our set evaluation criteria.

Here’s how you can be the first one to discover ICO, IEO, and IDO token sales

Quantifying the potential of a newly launched or upcoming crypto token is super difficult, especially when there are hundreds of new projects launched every single day. As an active part of the global crypto industry, we were very much aware of this problem which led to the development of the Coin Launch Space database, quantifying and evaluating all current and upcoming ICO, IEO, and IDO tokens.

Our evaluation system is pretty simple, based on our experience in the field, we have developed criteria involving more than 80 crucial factors. Each new token or project is evaluated and ranked against this criteria which helps us in finalizing the Coin Launch Space Score for that particular project. The higher the score is, the better the chances are for the project to become the next big thing.

Some important points to keep in mind

If you’re using the Coin Launch Space database for the very first time to find credible new or upcoming crypto projects, here are some points to keep in mind,

  • We have a dedicated ‘Upcoming ICO/IDO/IEO Token Sales Page’ where all the upcoming tokens ready to initiate their fundraising campaigns are listed.
  • Once you have selected a few interesting projects for investment, make sure to check their Coin Launch Space score.
  • Our platform allows you to study reviews relevant to a project. Make sure to go through all reviews to further analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the project.
  • Also, make sure to keep a close eye on our social media platforms and blogs, chances are that you’ll be able to capitalize on a massive investment opportunity.

Can you make any profit through new token sales?

Initial Coin Offerings (ICO) are a popular fundraising tactic in the world of blockchain. Even though crypto enthusiasts across the globe aim to capitalize early on such investments, the majority of new crypto tokens usually fail during their initial launch days. Here are some major reasons behind that,

  1. The token’s economic and distribution model.
  2. Project backing including Launchpands, VC investments, partnerships, etc.
  3. Investment team and what’s the real-world concept behind the token.
  4. Market exposure and social media performance.

Make sure to consider all these parameters when aiming to invest in a new token project or you can simply use our rating system to evaluate multiple options.

How do we rank new ICO, IDO, and IEO sales?

We don’t rank new ICO, IDO, and IEO tokens solely based on social media buzz and what crypto influencers and gurus have to say about them. Coin Launch Space follows fixed criteria, based on on more than 80 filtering parameters that help us decide the rank and potential rating of a crypto project. Once we successfully analyze a project, you’ll be able to check its Coin Launch Space Score, quantifying the potential success of an upcoming ICO, IDO, or IEO token sale.

Beware of upcoming scams!

It is a well-known fact that new ICO, IDO, and IEO token projects offer significant investment returns, only if you know exactly what you’re doing. But even with so much potential, we can’t ignore the fact that these new projects often end up being labeled as ‘scams’. Here are three popular scams disguised in the form of high-return new crypto tokens,

Exit scams occur when the organizers vanish with investors’ funds, while pump-and-dump schemes manipulate the market to artificially inflate token prices before causing a crash.
Phishing scams involve the use of fake websites or social media accounts to deceive investors into sending funds to incorrect addresses.

Are new ICO coins the next big thing?

The whole point behind blockchain technology is the promotion of security and transparency across the global financial markets. There is no doubt in the obvious success of some of the most popular crypto tokens, but not all new or upcoming tokens are going to bring massive returns on your investment.

So, instead of investing in every new token, you can use credible sources such as the Coin Launch Space database to conduct thorough research on a token and its predicted success ratio. This is the only way to find new ICO coins with the potential to become the next big thing in the world of crypto and blockchain.

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